I agree that we should fight illegal drug trafficking of heroin, cocaine and other drugs. However, the war on drugs focuses more and more on doctors and chronic pain patients. It leaves patients with no access to adequate pain control medication and doctors terrified of going to jail if they write a prescription for pain medication.
Having lived with chronic pain for many years now I have seen first hand how the war on drugs has changed the way doctors have treated me over those years. My current doctor told me that he is now required to follow a set of guidelines created by the DEA regarding writing prescriptions for controlled substances. Where I live a general practitioner is not allowed to write for any controlled substance medications period. Surgeons are only allowed to write for controlled substances in specific amounts, for no more than 3 months time, and not narcotic medications regardless of the surgery performed or the condition of the patient. They are now required to force all patients to undergo mandatory drug tests and there are ways to fail this test that do not conform to how one uses the medication. For example, a patient given a medication on a PRN (AS NEEDED) basis, if that patient comes up on the urine test without any drug in their system they are discharged as a patient under the belief that they sold or gave their medication away. Even if they bring the bottle to show they have all the pills they should have. All because they did what they were told and only took the medication when they really needed it badly, thus not every single day, as they were TOLD to do by the doctor. They then get puished for this.
The DEA guidelines my doctor spoke about leave no room for "as needed" medication, no room for the doctor's opinions. Flat out, everyone is assumed to be a drug addict and these guidelines are set up to label each person that way eventually.
The DEA should NOT be involved in managing patient's care. That is the province of the medical profession and not law enforcement. I am terrified of the day when I will no longer be able to get pain medication at all, and I know that day is coming. I live in severe pain every single day even with medication. I take as little medication as I need to in order to survive, which leaves my pain level higher than it needs to be and leave me unable to do the things I should be doing.
This video caused me to cry because I too have felt just like Mr. Redman. Pain that is not controlled properly, suffering every day, fighting for my rights with the very people whose job it is to HELP patients, and just wanting to die as my rights get taken away by out of control governmental officials with no real boundaries on their "control" such as the Drug Czar. (Wonder how fast the czar's tune would change if it was their spouse, child, or themself that was living with such life destroying pain)
Watch this video, it gives a true view of the effects of the drug war on the medical profession and their patients.
Love Green!
8 years ago